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Everything to Know About Loulouka Organic Baby Formula

This post is for parents wondering if Loulouka organic baby formula can meet the criteria for healthy baby formula. They can also know if it is worth the hype since it is a brand new product receiving outstanding reviews from parents worldwide. It tends to be pretty hard to choose the right one for the baby, with many baby formula brands competing to create organic baby formula.

What is Loulouka Organic Baby Formula?

Christiaan, Peter, and Michael founded Loulouka in 2012. These are parents with many years of experience in the formula industry. These founders aimed to discover a producer who could develop an organic baby formula with a skimmed milk base without soy oil or palm oil. Eventually, Loulouka organic baby formula hit the market in 2019 after years of development and plenty of research.

Is Loulouka Organic Baby Formula Healthy and Safe?

Many experts have confirmed Loulouka to be a healthy, safe, and legitimate option for babies. Since there were high standards and strict regulations for the treatment of cows, organic food, and baby formula production, they formulated Loulouka in Switzerland. Switzerland allows only 23 cows on an organic farm, which is the world’s lowest. Besides, the founders are environmentally friendly through their practice and believe in treating animals with compassion. That is why they ensured that each formula is safe by taking Loulouka’s signature protocol through 50 specialized quality checks. The European Union certified it, which has higher organic standards than the US.

Loulouka Organic Baby Formula Benefits

Loulouka has many advantages for babies and parents, and here are some of them.

Healthy Fats Without Palm Oil

The origin of most organic regulated formula’s fat is always from vegetable oils, such as palm oil. Palm oils are similar to palmitic acid, which endears baby formula producers to use them. They do this to mimic a nutrient found in breastmilk. They also found beta-carotene and vitamin E in palm oil. Even though these oils are crucial for growth and safe, there are negative environmental implications for palm oil that can result in digestive problems for little ones sensitive to palm oil. The primary fat source for Loulouka is coconut oil, making its composition quite close to breastmilk, with about 15.8 percent palmitic acid. There is also a high concentration of medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil, helping with absorption.

No Soy

Loulouka organic baby formula provides naturally occurring proteins by using skimmed cow’s milk. Besides, it doesn’t use soy ingredients, meaning that parents will not see soy protein, soy lecithin, or soy oil in the formula. Why would anyone bother about this? According to research, there are negative implications of soy in infants later in life.

European Union Certified, Humane Treatment of Cows

There is a reason why EU formulas are popular; European farming regulations and organic standards are stricter than the US organic standards. These standards have a lot of benefits. Essentially, they treat Swiss cows much more humanely than those of America. Swiss cows graze all day on natural hay and grass, unlike those of American that are crammed into a factory.

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